Talking Feedback: Brunch with Noreen on RTHK (15:43)
Feedback and Feedback Literacy in Education, 13 June 2024.
Thoughts on Assessment and Feedback (6:21)
Conversation with Kelly Shoecraft (Griffith University), November 2023.
Scholarly Peer Review (41:44)
Podcast with SW Chong, August 2023.
Assessment re-designs for the generative AI era (1:28:24)
Invited seminar, HKPolyU, 22 August 2023.
Assessment and feedback re-designs for the generative AI era (38:00)
Keynote, CUHK, June 2023.
Teacher feedback literacy and feedback regimes (13:50)
Podcast, April 2023.
Assessment for digital learning: Two propositions (28:10)
CAULLT Conference, 28 October 2022.
Talking about Feedback with Kevin Merry (21:01)
September 2022.
New directions for feedback seeking research and practice (1:25:09)
CRADLE seminar, May 2022.
Involving students in feedback (15:00)
November 2021.
Discussing Feedback and Learning Analytics (31:45)
April 2021.
Assessment and feedback in large classes (18:45)
Keynote at PHELC Conference, 2 June 2020.
Talking Feedback with Kelly Matthews, University of Queensland (8:17)
Developing student feedback literacy (3:41)
Article –
Maynooth Y1 Feedback (9:41)